Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Israeli left for Thailand today. Not too much contact for three weeks but my baby sound ready to come home. Thank god. My good friend is going to help paint for me this weekend and I get to babysit for my favorite little girl. More than fair trade I say. I will post more tomorrow but its 1:#5 and I get up at 6:00am7:00am.

Oh! Got this from a friend tonight. LOVE IT!! Victoria's Secret Beauty Rush lipsgloss, flavor is 'Outstanding'. The sexiest pout ever. I have great lips, plump, sensual, whatever, guys love em and so do girls and they have a good color but this just makes them va va voom!! Try it ladies, smells great and feels amazing!!

Side note: My crazy ex, MF, apparently has a dinner with some people I know. A company dinner where my friends and him work together. Apparently he kept asking about me. Ew. Restraining order keeps him from bothering me but not my friends apparently. His new gf was there too. Apparently she resembles me. Ew Ew Ew.


Anonymous said...

Of course she resembles you - you're hot and he wants someone like you. It's funny how he's not the first ex to then date someone who looks like you. Interesting...

Sab said...

lol it's so bizarre though! unless i date guys who have a type?