Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Glitter is meant to be my best friend. Besides the fact we both have parents with the same names, brothers in the same grade, and loved magic nursery babies and leggings. Not to mention when we would harass the oldies station to play 'Judy's Turn to Cry'. Today, the fact that we both were seperately wikipeding Fleetwood Macs 'Rumour's' shows how we awesome we truly are. Fucking badass. I love things like that. When you are thinking of someone and the second you do, they call or text.

Today I got a new computer at work. Woo Woo or whatever. I wore cute leggings and a teal dress thing from Caché.

Okay so I love podcasts. I love sleep more.

More tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

MAGIC NURSERY BABIES...holy crap I cannot believe you remember that. You are a brilliant, beautiful, best friend!!!